2. Singing Sands Beach

A magical place at any tide or weather

The Singing Sands, or Camas an Lighe is a lovely sandy bay along from Kentra Bay. It is nice, longish walk through woodland (4km/1 hour) from a small parking area at Kentra. It is well worth the walk – this is one of our favourite places, it is such a beautiful beach, but also very quiet and peaceful (nature’s secret).

Camas an Lighe is a great place for a picnic, beach-combing and exploring the rocky coastline. There are some lovely views of the Small Isles. It is also a good place to look out for divers, cormorants and seals, as well as otters along the coastline.

The beach is renowned for its singing sand, a predisposition caused by the shape and size of the sand grains and the silica content. To 'sing' the sand also needs to be of the right humidity. The sound is caused by wind blowing over the surface or by the shuffle of feet or boots through the sand.


Getting there

To get to the parking area from the cottage, follow the B8007 east towards Salen. Once you have reached the A861 Junction turn left and follow the A861 along the coast until you reach Acharacle. Turn immediate left after the Acharacle Parish Church down the B8044 and then take the next left following the signs for Arevegaig . Right at the very end of this track is a small parking area – park here and follow the footpath along the coast. After approx. 4km, do not miss the small wooden sign on a tree signalling ‘beach’ to the right. After visiting the beach at Singing Sands you could rejoin this footpath and continue over the hills to Ockle.

House on the Shore

Sea Breeze, Camas Inas, Ardnamurchan, Acharacle PH36 4JQ

1. Kayaking in Loch Sunart

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2. Singing Sands Beach

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3. Glenborrodale Nature Reserve

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4. Ardnamurchan Lighthouse

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5. Glenfinnan Viaduct & Monument

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6. Ardnamurchan Volcano

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7. Ardnamurchan Distillery

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8. Garbh Eilean Wildlife Hide

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9. Dumbledore’s Island

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10. Sanna Sands

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11. Castle Tioram

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12. Tobermory (and Mull)

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13. Ardnamurchan Natural History Visitor Centre

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14. Café Tioram

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15. Otter Adventures

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16. Salen Jetty Shop

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17. Salen Hotel

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18. Loch Shiel Hotel

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19. Salen Walk

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